After spending some time in the high rep, light "weight" world I start to get worried that I will lose the fundamentals, the strength gotten from well-executed dips, squats, pushups and pullups. So I go back. Variety is good. Yesterday I decided to go back in a big way. What if I executed the reps on the Big Four (pushups, pullups, squats and dips) so well and so slowly that I could only do 5 reps? Then I might have a bodyweight calisthenics version of Starting Strength, a very influential approach to strength building that touts barbells and four main compound exercises (bench press, deadlift, squat and one olympic movement that involves a shoulder press, not sure what it's called) done in sets with heavy enough weight that you can only do 5 reps.
I decided to go with slow and strict rather than trying to increase the "weight" by leaning or doing one side at a time because I want to keep to the fundamentals and wanted to feel the effect. Again, time under tension will have plenty to say about the benefits of this.
So I did 5x5 of slow dips, pullups, squats and pushups. The squats and pushups I had to really slow down to make them difficult enough to only get 5. In all cases I purposely did not lock out so I could keep the tension on the muscles. For dips and pullups I went as slowly as I could and paused at the apex of the movement and then did an even slower negative. For the last rep I did the longest negative I could. Pushups and squats were very slow, especially squats. Each set of squats probably took 20 - 30 seconds. I did all of this in superset "rounds" and pushups were last, so I was already pretty fatigued pushing-wise and didn't have to slow them down quite as much as squats. And I did them Russian.
This is a fun workout because it's intense and it doesn't take long. Somehow that's much less daunting to me than high volume. After I felt very spent and shaky, which is a good thing. Today I'm a bit sore, which I haven't felt in a while.
I'm planning to keep this approach in two ways. First, I will come back to it and do 5x5 days. Second, in pyramid days I will make sure my "heaviest" set is a slow set.
Putting it all together.
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