Wednesday, January 17, 2018

How Many Squats Can You Do In a Minute? (But It's Really Not What You Think)

First minute - do a single, one minute squat.  Rest until the start of the next minute.
Second minute - do two squats, 30 seconds each.  Rest until the next minute.
Then 3 squats (20 seconds each), rest one minute.
Continue this, adding one squat each set but making sure to do them slowly enough so that they take the entire minute, then rest a minute.
How far can you go?

THIS IS TOUGH!  Each set is difficult but in a different way than the previous set.  The middle rep sets (6 or 7) are really tough.  Often I had to pause at the bottom to keep the timing right, but it would be much more difficult if you could eliminate any pausing.  You'll be tempted to pause at the top but don't; this is resting!

I made it to 11.  And my legs are as blasted as they've ever been with any weight workout.

It would be interesting to do this in the reverse, starting with, say, a 30 rep in a minute set and then working down.